One Leg Calf Raise

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Beginner workouts usually consist of the Two Leg Calf Raise because you don't have to worry about balance or the isolation of body weight to one leg. However, now that you are working out on an intermediate level we will progress you to the One Leg Calf Raise.

To perform this exercise, all you need is a wall or a stairwell to hold on to. You can perform the one leg calf raise on the floor; however, it is better to perform on a step.

Place one foot on a stair, while placing the foot that your are not exercising behind your knee. Hold onto the handrail or wall for balance.

Move your heel off the ground so that you're standing on your toes.

Once you reach the peak of the calf raise, slowly lower your heel back to the ground without touching the ground.

Perform 15 to 25 on one leg.

Once you finish performing 15 to 25 repetitions on one leg, do the same for the other.

For your second set be sure to start with the same leg in which you started the first set so that each leg can have enough time to recover.

Next Intermediate Exercise: Flutter Kicks »

Tips for One Leg Calf Raise

1. Perform this exercise slowly if this is your first time. If you have performed the One – Leg Calf Raise before, feel free to pick up the pace and perform faster repetitions. Keep in mind if you’re performing fast repetitions you need to perform a higher number of repetitions. So instead of doing 15 to 25, aim for 25 to 50.

2. Maintain a regular breathing pattern while performing this exercise.

3. Perform three sets of 15-25 repetitions on each leg.