Dr. Gourmet's Food Reviews

Minty Fresh!

Stonyfield Minty Chocolate Chip Frozen Yogurt

OK, I promise that this is the last one. If you have followed these reviews during the summer you will have seen tastings for a number of frozen dessert products and the Stonyfield frozen yogurts have come out way ahead. I have been looking for their Low-fat Minty Chocolate Chip Frozen Yogurt and have now found it.


Mind you, I'm a sucker for this flavor of ice cream and to have it in a lower calorie frozen yogurt is fantastic. Go now to your grocery and ask the manager to begin stocking it. (I found mine at Whole Foods).

Rich, creamy, chocolatey and minty, this is so good. There are great chunky bits of chocolate throughout and a serving is only 140 calories. That's less than four Girl Scout Thin Mints, and the cookies have three times the saturated fat. (Admit it, when was the last time you ate only four Thin Mints?) The other difference is that the frozen yogurt doesn't have a lot of the odd chemicals that the Thin Mints do. A large helping of a healthier mint chocolate frozen yogurt is the right splurge.

Reviewed: August 24, 2007

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