Dr. Gourmet's Food Reviews

Kind “Nuts & Spices” Bars: Cashew & Ginger Spice

Cashew & Ginger Spice, Madagascar Vanilla Almond, and Dark Chocolate Chili Almond

Dr. Gourmet Reviews Cashew and Ginger Kind BarI have thought for some time that there should be better tasting nutrition bars. Most are the same with lots of sugar, some crunch and things like chocolate chips or fake fruit. We have reviewed bars that are pretty good - Lara bars for example. They are all sweet, however. Really sweet and, in some ways, all taste similar.

And that's it. Sweet. Sugar, fruit and occasionally nuts.

Kind bars offer some alternative. They are sweet but have bits of real fruit and nuts and are generally a little healthier. I was intrigued by their "Nuts & Spices" line. Words like "ginger," "chili," and "Madagascar vanilla" seemed the solution to the bland, same-old bar. Something different, unusual and not just sugary. Most of them even say that they contain only 4 of 5 grams of sugar.

Dr. Gourmet reviews the Madagascar Vanilla Almond Bar from KindWe started with the Cashew & Ginger Spice. The Nutrition Facts look OK at 200 calories, 5 grams of fiber, 4 grams of sugar and only 15 mg of sodium. This was, however, a big disappointment. Kind bars are good and this is good but not what it should be. The ginger is far, far too subtle and it is sweet. That's it. Nuts, sweetness and a bit of ginger (you think it's ginger but it really is hard to be sure).

The Madagascar Vanilla Almond bar is much the same thing. Nutrition Facts are similar to the Cashew & Ginger Spice. The taste is of nuts, sweetness and "I think that there is some vanilla flavor in there somewhere but I can't really be sure."

Both bars are a disappointment.

Dr. Gourmet reviews the Dark Chocolate Chili Almond Bar from KindThe Dark Chocolate Chili Almond is not as disappointing but is really a candy bar and not a healthy bar. The name is so hopeful. Chili in a sweet bar. Yes! That is different.

Well, it is but it not so great. A little bit of chili. Good sweet dark chocolate and a touch of salt, but not enough spice again.

This is a good company and they make good honest products, but ones that are generally derivative and bland. This seemed like an opportunity for them, but it is clearly a missed chance for something really new.

Reviewed: June 13, 2014

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