Front Shoulder Raise with a Resistance Band

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I like to think of this exercise as the one that really builds the front portion of your upper body, including your chest, trapezius muscles, and of course your anterior deltoids, or the front part of your shoulder.

Muscles Worked: Shoulders, pectoral muscles, trapezius, core muscles.

Starting Position: Stand on the resistance band with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the handles in front of your waist or thighs with your palms facing you.

Action: Keeping your abdominal muscles and your back muscles tight, lift the weight directly in front of you with your arms straight. Stop once you reach the level of your shoulders. Keeping your core muscles tight, return the weight to the starting position. Since this is an endurance workout, perform each repetition over a 1 to 2 second period and perform 15 to 25 repetitions in each set. Knock out three sets if you have the time.

Muscles Worked

Front ShouldersPectoral MusclesTrapezius MusclesAbdominal (Core) Muscles

More Resistance Band Exercises

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Two Arm Curl with a Resistance Band
Lat Pull with a Resistance Band 
Lunges with a Resistance Band
Shoulder Press with a Resistance Band
Side Shoulder Raise with a Resistance Band
Squat Curls with a Resistance Band
Squat Shoulder Press with a Resistance Band
Squats with a Resistance Band
Static Lunges with a Resistance Band
Upright Row Squat with Resistance Band
Wood Chop with a Resistance Band

Tips for Front Shoulder Raise with a Resistance Band:

  1. You should be able to bring the weight to the level of your shoulders during every single repetition. If you can’t, reduce the weight.
  2. Exhale when lifting the weight up, inhale when returning the weight to the starting position.
  3. Try alternating arms to add diversity to this exercise. Remember to do 15 to 25 on the left and 15 to 25 on the right.