Upright Row Squat with Barbell

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Muscles Worked: Shoulders, triceps, biceps, quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings.

Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the barbell in front of your waist with your palms face down and one inch apart.

Action: Move your body down into a squat while keeping the barbell in front of you with your arms fully extended. Squat as low as you can without your knees bending more than 90 degrees.

As you stand back up from the squat, keep your hands about an inch apart and bend your arms so that the barbell comes up to an inch below your chin. Your elbows should be pointed directly to the side. Move your body down into a squat and extend your elbows at the same rate.

Muscles Worked

Related Exercises

Curl and Delts with a Barbell
Upright Rows with a Barbell
Two Arm Curls with a Barbell
Shoulder Press with a Barbell


1. Practice this exercise to properly coordinate the squat action with the upright row action.

2. Keep your hands one inch apart from each other at all times.