Side Shoulder Raise with a Resistance Band

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Muscles Worked: Shoulders, trapezius.

Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the handles to your side with your palms facing the outside of your legs.

Action: Keep your arms straight and lift the handles with your palms down out to the side of your body. Stop once you reach shoulder level. Return the handles to the starting position.

Muscles Worked

Front ShouldersShouldersTrapezius Muscles

More Resistance Band Exercises

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Squat Curls with a Resistance Band
Squat Shoulder Press with a Resistance Band
Squats with a Resistance Band
Static Lunges with a Resistance Band
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Tips for Side Shoulder Raise with a Resistance Band:

1. Exhale as you curl the weight up, inhale as you return the dumbbells to the starting position.

2. Avoid leaning back during this exercise.

3. Stand on the band with one foot if you have difficulty bringing the handles to the level of your shoulders.