The Health of It All

Eating Healthier at Fast Food Restaurants: McDonald's

McDonald'sThere is no doubt that eating at McDonalds is not a great choice. Most of the foods that they serve are full of salt, fat and highly processed ingredients but there are some choices that might work well for you

I created this list so that if you are stuck eating there for some reason you can at least find an alternative that is healthier for you. The items listed fall generally under 400 calories or so and under 15 grams of fat (which is a fairly good guideline for you). I've also included a printable version so that you can print it out and take it with you for reference.


Item Calories Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Fiber Sodium (mg)
Fruit 'N Yogurt Parfait 150 2 0 1 75
Fruit & Maple Oatmeal 310 4 0 5 140
Hamburger 250 8 0 2 480
McChicken 350 15 0 2 600
Small French Fries 230 11 0 3 160
Side Salad (without dressing) 15 0 0 1 15
Apple Slices 15 0 0 0 0
Cuties 35 0 0 0 0

Download this list in PDF format. Don't have Adobe® Acrobat Reader®? Download it now.

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