Glute Kickbacks

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We are going to finish off this workout with another kick back exercise, that being the Glute Kickbacks.

Once again, minimal equipment is needed for this exercise. In fact, all you need is a floor mat or a carpeted area.

Start on your hands and knees with your back straight.

Take one knee an inch off the ground.

Keeping your knee bent at 90 degrees, extend back from your hip so that your foot comes behind you and then upwards. This motion is called hip extension, and isolates your hamstring glutes
and low back muscles.

Now that you've reached the peak of your glute kickback, return back to the starting position.

Perform 15 to 25 glute kickbacks. Once you perform 15 to 25 on one side repeat for the other side. Perform three sets of this exercise.


1. Feel free to do more than 25 if you have experience with performing the Glute Kickback. This exercise is commonly used in high endurance, or circuit training regimens, to build endurance of the lower extremity.

2. Keep your knee bent at 90 degrees throughout the exercise. Avoid straightening your leg when doing the Glute Kickbacks.

3. Perform 3 sets of 15-25 repetitions on each side of your body.