Exercise Right!
with Jacques Courseault, M.D.

How Should I Exercise?

Jacques graduated from Tulane Medical School and has seven years of experience as a personal trainer. He is combining his personal training experience with his medical education to bring you exercise information, both how to exercise and why it’s great for you, based on solid evidence-based medical principles.

With Dr. Courseault as your guide, you’ll learn how to make the most out of your exercise, whether you’re just getting started or have been exercising for years.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Exercise Ideas: Play Video Games!

Video games aren’t just for kids! According to a recent report, 53 percent of American adults play video games, and one in five adults (21%) play every day or almost every day. While sedentary behavior is linked to chronic diseases and obesity, new, active video games systems may help you meet your weekly exercise recommendations.

How to Begin an Exercise Regimen

Exercising is an important lifestyle change that you should begin making if you haven’t already. The purpose of this article is to get you from sitting in your computer chair, to the point where you are seconds away from sweating, burning calories and improving your overall health. Here are a few things that you absolutely need to do:

How to Build Muscle Mass

Performing a search for “How to Build Muscle Mass” leads to bodybuilding sites, muscle supplement ads or vague advice on how to get “ripped.” Your time is too valuable to waste on confusing recommendations that may or may not produce sustainable results. Advice for increasing muscle mass should be based on years of research by reputable organizations.

How to Build Muscular Endurance

Improving muscular endurance takes a back seat to increasing muscle mass when discussing methods of resistance training. However, muscle endurance is just as important, because it allows muscles to exercise for an extended period of time before becoming fatigued. Endurance training is beneficial for walking, jogging, biking, swimming and other physical activities that require continuous movement. Furthermore, endurance can contribute to weight loss because cardiovascular exercise can be maintained for a longer duration.

How to Conserve Muscle Mass During Weight Loss

Conserving muscle mass, or lean body mass (LBM), is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition during periods of weight loss. Muscle supports your joints, helps you to perform daily activities, keeps you looking toned and boosts your resting metabolism, or the energy you expend at rest. Dr. Cedric Bryant, the Chief Science Officer for the American Council on Exercise, states that an extra pound of muscle can result in an extra pound of weight loss over a year. Given that the average person gains three to five pounds of muscle over three to four months, conserving muscle mass can result in modest weight loss over the long term. Follow these general guidelines to add muscle and lose weight.

How to Exercise with Disabled or Weak Legs

Spending long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in a bed can not only be uncomfortable, but can also lead to weight gain, weakened muscles, joint and muscle stiffness and weakened heart and lungs. Thus, moving as much as possible is very important for anyone with disabled or weak legs. This is easier said than […]

The First Step to Success: Committing to More than Yourself

A lack of motivation to exercise regularly is the number one reason why most of us begin an exercise program that simply does not last. With efficient 10-30 minute workout routines, most of us can honestly find the time to exercise. However, many of us have difficulty sticking with this small commitment because of a lack of motivation, which must come from both environmental and internal factors. As Plato believed, external reward is beneficial in getting a habit started, while personal commitment will help it to prevail. The first step you must take to ensure continual motivation is to walk (literally and figuratively) with someone else towards your new fitness goal.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that you can do to improve your health and fitness. No instruction manual is needed, and a walking coach will not be necessary. Walking is one of the first natural exercises that you learn to do from a young age. Therefore, you should be a walking professional at this point in your life. Monitor your walking volume with a pedometer to be sure that you gain the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day.

Ask Dr. Gourmet

Exercise and Supplements

Those of you who are regular readers know that I don’t believe the research supports taking vitamins. In the past I have used the premise of “doesn’t help but probably won’t hurt” when it comes to vitamins.

Ask Dr. Gourmet: Can you exercise if you have GERD / Acid Reflux?

How to eat healthy

These essays will help you understand the overall How and Why of eating healthy in the real world. Each Monday Dr. Harlan will explain another element of eating healthy in simple, easy-to-understand terms that you can apply to your real life.Just read these in order and you’ll know how – and why – to eat healthy.