Push Ups

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The Push Up
exercise is the most effective, efficient, and practical exercise that you can do. Why? This exercise works your chest muscles, your shoulder muscles, your triceps, your biceps, your core muscles and your glute muscles. It's just the best all-in-one exercise that exists.

To appreciate the benefits of the Push Up, you must know how to properly do it. An intermediate exerciser should be comfortable with performing the beginner level Push Up, which is the Modified Push Up (View the Modified Push Up Exercise Video). Once you can perform three sets of 12 Modified Push Ups, you should start building up confidence to perform the regular pushup. Let's go ahead and learn the right way to do the Push Up.

Lay on the floor with your stomach down, your legs extended behind you, and your palms facing down on the floor at the level of your chest.

Put your feet about an inch or two apart and pick yourself up on your toes.

Push your upper body off the ground while keeping your back straight. Once your arms are fully extended your back should be straight and only your toes should be on the ground.

Now that you've completed the first half of a Push Up, you can slowly lower your body to the floor. Stop right before your chest touches the ground and push yourself back up.

If you can only perform one or two repetitions at first, that's fine. Be sure to take a note of how many Push Ups you can perform and challenge yourself to progress during your next workout.

Your ultimate goal is to be able to perform three sets of 8 to 12 slow moving Push Ups.

Next Intermediate Exercise: Superman »

Tips for Push Ups

1. Keep your back as straight as possible, but don’t get too caught up in how straight your back is. The point is to keep your abdominal muscles and back muscles tight to build core stabilization, so that you’re focusing most of your muscle energy on your upper body.

2. Keep your head in the most comfortable position, which may be down or up. It does not matter how your head is held during a pushup exercise.

3. Your goal is to perform three sets of 8-12 slow moving Push Ups.