Necessary Nutrients & How Seniors Can Get Them

Problem is, many people consume more calories than they need without
taking in the recommended amounts of certain nutrients.

By: Julie Davis – Chief Content Officer at

While studies will continue to debate whether certain foods or specific
vitamins and minerals can prevent cancer and other diseases, one thing
is clear: Eating a diet that provides these nutrients is certainly healthier
for you than not. On the most basic level, the body needs vitamins and
minerals just to function.

Another debate is whether you can get all these necessary nutrients in
food or if supplements are needed. Certainly the more you can get through
your diet, the better. Problem is, according to the US Dietary Guidelines
for Americans, many people consume more calories than they need without
taking in the recommended amounts of certain nutrients, and that’s cause
for concern.

For older adults, these AWOL nutrients are often calcium, needed for
bone health; potassium, needed to regulate sodium; and magnesium which
with these two other minerals helps lower blood pressure; and vitamins
A, C, and E. Vitamins A, C, and E are important because they appear to
deter plaque from forming on artery walls. Plaque forms because oxygen
and the so-called bad LDL cholesterol combine in a process called oxidation.
Vitamins A, C, and E are called “antioxidants” because they slow
or stop the plaque-forming process. Vitamin A also helps prevent night

In addition, everyone over age 50 may be coming up short on vitamin B12,
which helps prevent memory loss, because the body doesn’t absorb it as
well in later years; you can get it through protein sources, fortified
foods or supplements.

If you don’t have any exposure to sunlight, the main natural source of
vitamin D (either because it’s not always possible or if you’re prone to
skin cancer), you’ll need to get D from fortified foods and/or supplements
(or about 15 minutes of unprotected sun exposure a day). Vitamin D is needed
for the interaction with calcium for bone health. Taking vitamin D and
calcium supplements is a question for the primary care physician if osteoporosis,
or the risk of it, is an issue – it might not be possible to get all the
calcium needed naturally through foods, about a quart of milk or the equivalent
in dairy products every day.

Getting most of your vitamins and minerals through food doesn’t have
to be overwhelming or require piled-high plates. Usually it’s a matter
of picking powerhouse foods before the bagel or slice of cake. And, since
many foods supply an assortment of vitamins and minerals, you can add up
required amounts faster by eating what’s called nutrient-dense foods first.
(Of course, stay away from any foods that the doctor has said to avoid
if following a restrictive diet for health reasons.)

Making Smarter Choices

AsparagusMake up as many of the day’s meals as possible from a variety of these
top food choices.

Vegetables, like asparagus, broccoli, peas, and zucchini provide:
B7 and E, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. In addition:

  • Orange vegetables, like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, squash
    provide: beta-carotene used as vitamin A
  • Green vegetables, like broccoli, celery and cabbage provide:
    B2 and selenium
  • Green leafy vegetables, like spinach, provide: A, B9, E and
    K, calcium and magnesium
  • Onions and garlic in particular (if tolerated) provide: selenium
    and sulfur

Fresh fruit like apples, melon, pears and plums provide: B vitamins,
potassium and copper. In addition:

  • Citrus fruit, like oranges (also a source of B7), grapefruit and
    tangerines provide: vitamin C

Whole grains, like barley, brown rice, buckwheat (kasha), oats,
rye and whole wheat provide: B vitamins and E, chromium, magnesium, manganese,
selenium and zinc

Lentil SoupBeans and legumes, like dried peas, lima, kidney and garbanzo
beans and lentils provide: B1 and B7 and magnesium

Nuts, like almonds, cashews, walnuts and hazelnuts provide: B1,
B7 and E, copper, magnesium and manganese

Seeds, like flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds provide:
B1 and E, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and

Dairy products, like lowfat milk, yogurt and cheese provide: A,
B2, B7 (milk), B12, D (fortified milk) and K, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur


  • Eggs provide: B5, B9, B12, D and E, phosphorus and sulfur
  • Fish, like cod, halibut, salmon and tuna provide: B2, B3, B12,
    D (fatty fish), iron, phosphorus and zinc. In addition, shellfish
    provides: copper and iodine
  • Meat provides: B1 (lean pork) B2, B3 (lean meats), B6, B7, B12,
    chromium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and zinc
  • Organ meat, like liver provides: A (liver, fish liver oil),
    B1, B12, B9 and D (liver), copper, iron and selenium
  • Poultry provides: B2, iron and phosphorus

Vegetable oils, like sunflower, safflower and olive oil provide:
vitamin E

Wheat germ provides: B6, B9 and E and magnesium

Brewer’s yeast: B5, B6 and B7, chromium, selenium and zinc

A note about the other essential minerals in the diet: salt – which most
people get too much of – provides chlorine, sodium and iodine; and we get
fluoride from fluoridated water.

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care articles

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