Coumadin (warfarin) Frequently Asked Questions

How much Vitamin K is in....

How much Vitamin K is in acai berries?
How much Vitamin K is in almonds?
How much Vitamin K is in almond milk?
How much Vitamin K is in apricots?
How much Vitamin K is in aronia juice or acerola juice?
How much Vitamin K is in avocados?
How much Vitamin K is in roasted or pickled beets?
How much Vitamin K is in blueberries?
Is there more Vitamin K in raw blueberries than cooked blueberries?
How much Vitamin K is in cherry tomatoes?
How much Vitamin K is in edamame (soybeans)?
How much Vitamin K is in eggs?
How much Vitamin K is in flaxseed
How much Vitamin K is in Fresca,
Sprite, or other sodas
How much Vitamin K is in green,
red, yellow and orange peppers?

How much Vitamin K is in green
pickled tomatoes
How much Vitamin K is in iceberg
How much Vitamin K is in jalapeno peppers?
How much Vitamin K is in kiwi
How much Vitamin K is in liver?
How much Vitamin K is in Mrs.
How much Vitamin K is in mung beans?
How much Vitamin K is in my salad?
How much Vitamin K is in nori, the seaweed
used to wrap sushi
How much Vitamin K is in green,
red, yellow and orange peppers?

How much Vitamin K is in paprika,
chili powder, salsa, cinnamon, and nutmeg
How much Vitamin K is in pomegranates?
How much Vitamin K is in quinoa?
How much Vitamin K is in raspberries?
How much Vitamin K is in rhubarb?
How much Vitamin K is in Spring Mix salad mix?
How much Vitamin K is in stevia?
How much Vitamin K is in V8 Juice?
How much Vitamin K is in yellow and green zucchini?
How much Vitamin K is in zucchini?
Do I need to peel zucchini?
Why do lists of foods containing Vitamin
K list foods cooked with salt and again without salt?
Thanks for your lists of foods containing Vitamin K!
What daily allowance of Vitamin
will not affect the Coumadin (warfarin) I
How can I calculate the amount of
Vitamin K
in foods?
Which is more important: the amount
of Vitamin K in your diet
or whether it is

Foods and Coumadin (warfarin)


Will non-alcoholic beer affect
your Coumadin dose?
Does alcohol interact with Coumadin?

Coffee / Tea

Can I drink coffee while
on Coumadin (warfarin), or should I switch to tea?
Should I avoid caffeinated coffee on
Coumadin (warfarin)?
Is regular tea, iced or hot, contraindicated
while taking Coumadin?


Will eating garlic and
in a stir-fry affect my Coumadin (warfarin)?
Is it okay to cook with garlic while
on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Does eating garlic counteract eating
high amounts of Vitamin K?
Is it okay to cook with garlic
while on Coumadin
Will eating garlic affect my
Coumadin (warfarin) or make me bleed?


Is it safe for me to take apple cider
to help me lose weight while I am on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Will apple cider vinegar help
my acid reflux while I am on Coumadin (warfarin)?
I’ve heard that apple cider will help you lose weight. Will
apple cider interact with the warfarin
I’m on?
Will apple cider vinegar help
my acid reflux while I am on Coumadin (warfarin)?

Frozen / Convenience Foods

What does avoiding eating
frozen foods
have to do with being on Coumadin?
How much parsley is in pizza

Is Lean Cuisine Coumadin

Fruits / Juices

Are juicers a good idea
for those on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Can you eat green pickled
if you are on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Does grapefruit really interact
with medications? (See also….)
Should you avoid cranberry
on Coumadin (warfarin)? Updated

Is there a Vitamin K difference between
hot-house and home-grown tomatoes?
Does papaya have a blood-thinning

Other Food Questions

Is it ok to eat tuna and salmon
when you are on Coumadin (warfarin)?

Where does all the sodium
come from in your Hummus recipe
for Coumadin patients?
Should Coumadin (warfarin) users avoid MSG?
Does chocolate interact with Coumadin (warfarin)?
Is my husband’s Coumadin dosage stable because he eats a big salad every

Thanks for your lists of foods containing Vitamin K!
I am on Coumadin. Can I eat these
foods from Starbuck’s
or these vegetarian
Are almonds a good snack for those on Coumadin?
I can’t have broccoli or cauliflower because of its high Vitamin K levels – why
is it in your recipes
Does salt increase INR levels?
Can those on Coumadin (warfarin) eat eggs
or Eggbeaters
Can I cook with parsley while on Coumadin?
Are peanuts affecting my Coumadin?
Are there foods that interact
with Coumadin
even though they are low
in Vitamin K?
Does freezing “kill” the Vitamin K in foods?
Can a person on Coumadin (warfarin) eat black
eyed peas
Can foods low in Vitamin K still affect my INR levels?
Why should people on Coumadin avoid
your Eggs Benedict recipe
Is there a list of Vitamin K in
Does cooking or pickling reduce the amount of Vitamin K in cabbage?
Should I avoid lettuce while
on Coumadin?
Does soy interrupt the effectiveness of
I’m on warfarin and my levels fluctuate heavily. Is it because I
eat green apples
Why do Vitamin K levels vary in
the same foods?
Should I peel zucchini?

Specific Conditions, Weight, and Coumadin (warfarin)

Is HCG [human chorionic gonadotropin] safe
for those on Coumadin (warfarin)?
How to eat for thyroid, cholesterol and Coumadin?
I need menus for my father who is diabetic and on Coumadin (warfarin).
Will apple cider vinegar help my acid reflux while I am on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Is it safe to take Acai Advance with Coumadin (warfarin)?
How can my husband lose the
weight he’s gained
since starting Coumadin (warfarin)?
Can you still smoke while taking Coumadin (warfarin)?
What can you eat if you have gout
and diabetes and are on Coumadin (warfarin)
I have burning mouth syndrome. Will Vitamin
If I’m on Coumadin, can I use Green
for weight loss?
How many micrograms of Vitamin
can I have in one day?
Are there supplements you can take to
help reduce your dose of Coumadin®?
Can you wean down your dose of
Does Coumadin cause fatigue?
How can I manage my Vitamin K intake on the Jenny
Craig diet plan
Does Coumadin (warfarin) cause
weight gain
Does Coumadin (warfarin) affect
your metabolism
and cause weight gain?
Is there a low-sodium diet
for those on Coumadin?
Resources for renal/diabetic patients
on Coumadin
My husband has gout, GERD, and is on Coumadin. What
can I cook for him?

Is this gum pain related
to taking Coumadin?
I have heart disease and
I’m on Coumadin. “Just tell me what to eat!”
I am a diabetic on Coumadin.
Can you help me with diet?
My husband is a diabetic on
. How can I help him eat healthy?

Specific Medication Interactions

Does Coumadin interact with Neurontin?
Should I worry about interactions between Coumadin,
Pepcid, and Protonix
Does Extra-Strength Tylenol interfere
with Coumadin?
Will taking Tylenol or Advil affect
my INR levels?
What should my Coumadin-taking husband use
for pain
Is there an interaction between warfarin
and Iodoral

Supplements, Vitamins, and Herbal Preparations

Note: Dr. Harlan recommends that you avoid all supplements and herbal
preparations while taking Coumadin (warfarin).
Discuss any and all medications,
vitamins, supplements or herbal preparations that you may be taking,
or may be considering taking, with your own physician prior to taking
them while you are on Coumadin (warfarin).

Is HCG [human chorionic gonadotropin] safe for those on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Can I use probiotics like
if I am on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Can I take Resveratrol with Coumadin (warfarin)?
is PGX,
PolyGlycopleX, or Miracle Noodles
and are they safe for me to take while on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Should Coumadin (warfarin) users avoid MSG?
Will apple cider vinegar help my acid reflux while I am on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Is it okay to cook with garlic while on Coumadin (warfarin)?
Is it safe to take Acai Advance with
Coumadin (warfarin)?
Will drinking aloe vera juice interact with Coumadin (warfarin)?
Will Resveratrol interact with Coumadin (warfarin)?
How will these herbs affect my Coumadin and INR?
Do you have suggestions for eating
healthy on Coumadin – for a busy lifestyle?

Are freeze dried acai berries and
changa mushroom
powder OK with Coumadin?
Can I substitute
for my daily dose of Coumadin
Can I take acai
with Coumadin?
Is there a multivitamin
without Vitamin K
Can I take Dr.
Sears ZONE – Metabolic Digestive Support
with my Coumadin (warfarin)?
Are Aronia
(chokeberries) safe with Coumadin?
Does eating garlic counteract eating high amounts of Vitamin K?
Can a Coumadin user have wheatgrass juice?
Should I avoid iron if I am on Coumadin?
Will Vitamin B have an effect on my INRs?
What effect does taking saw
have on Coumadin levels?
If I’m on Coumadin, can I use Green
for weight loss?
What about Coumadin and Golgi
or Noni juice
Is Mona Vie (acai juice)
safe with Coumadin?
Why can’t I have grapefruit?
Can I take Chromium Picolinate while I’m taking Coumadin?
Do Goji Berries interact with Coumadin (warfarin)?
What about herbal teas and Coumadin?
Can I take Fenugreek with my other
Can I use these nutritional
while on Coumadin?
How can my friend control her Vitamin K intake and increase
her iron intake
Are there supplements you can take to
help reduce your dose of Coumadin®?
Does papaya have a blood-thinning
I’ve heard that apple cider will help you lose weight. Will
apple cider interact with the warfarin
I’m on?

Menus and Recipes for Coumadin (warfarin) users

How to eat for thyroid,
cholesterol and Coumadin?

Should Coumadin (warfarin) users avoid MSG?
I need menus for my father who is diabetic and on Coumadin (warfarin).
Can I substitute white onion
for green onion
to make a recipe Coumadin
Which of your recipes can I make
ahead and freeze
for later use?
Can I substitute canned
tomatoes for fresh
on the Coumadin (warfarin)

How can I make the Potato
and Three Onion Gratin
recipe safe for Coumadin

Could you post a recipe
guide for people on Coumadin® (warfarin)
Is there any cost involved in eatTHISdiet or the Dr. Gourmet website?
Can you suggest specific menus for those on warfarin?
Isn’t there a specific diet my mother should be following to make sure that her
Coumadin is working correctly?
My husband has gout, GERD, and is on Coumadin. What
can I cook
for him?
My husband is a diabetic on Coumadin.
How can I help him eat healthy?

After Coumadin (warfarin)

How should I eat after a six
month treatment with Coumadin (warfarin) is finished

Try The Dr. Gourmet Diet Plan

On Coumadin? This meal plan was created to keep your Vitamin K intake low and stable. Doctor-recommended! Register Now

How Much Vitamin K is in....?

There’s an easy way to find out about the nutrition content of any food. Just use the USDA National Nutrient Database. By entering an ingredient and following the steps this website will report the complete nutritional values of any ingredient and many prepared foods. The Vitamin K content is the last listing at the bottom of the Vitamins section. If it is not there,the food or ingredient that you searched on doesn’t contain enough Vitamin K to be reported.

What foods can I eat?

The lists of foods below will give you more information on the Vitamin K levels in various foods. Print them out and use them as a handy guide to what you can eat! Brief : A short list of commonly-used foods with their relative Vitamin K levels (Low, Medium, High)
Medium : A much longer list of foods, with their relative Vitamin K levels (Low, Medium, High)
Extensive : The same longer list as the Medium document, but with exact levels of Vitamin K in mcgs.
These documents are in PDF Format.
Download Adobe® Acrobat® Reader.

Get the Coumadin Cookbook!

Many of our readers have written to ask about a book on Coumadin use,and we’re pleased to announce that The Dr. Gourmet Diet Plan for Coumadin Users is now available at a new, lower price! Just $19.95 (was $31.52) – $14.95 for PDF format.